Addiction Counseling - Kirksville, MO

One of the most-destructive things a person can face is an addiction. Drugs, alcohol or any number of things can form addictive behaviors which eventually will control your life. Whereas many people understand the importance of moderation, and addictive behavior can cause one to lose all sense of responsibility and self-control.

Addiction Counseling for Drugs and Alcohol Kirksville, MOI have been working with people who are enslaved with various types of addiction. I use a Nouthetic or Bible based approach that has been tried and proven effective. I work with  agencies such as Preferred Family Health and others.

There is Hope for Addictions

The goal in counseling is to help the addict to recognize the destructive nature of the addiction as well as what are some of the things which can cause the behavior to be triggered.

If you have an addiction and you would like to see if we can work together, please fill out the request form on the right side of this page. Once we have an initial phone conversation, we can determine what the next steps will be in helping you to overcome your addictions.